21st CCLC Century Community Learning Centers NTAC National Technical Assistance Center -
Here you’ll find free resources from government agencies, nongovernmental organizations, and others in the field, curated by our team with 21st CCLC professionals in mind. The external resource library includes videos, web pages, publications, and more to help you learn about and implement evidence-based strategies and best practices. All were screened for their relevance to out-of-school time, and many are specific to 21st CCLC programs.
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Search Results

This infographic provides four sets of tips for a successful school year (or testing season). Geared toward high school students, these healthy reminders will help students to show up ready to learn for the school day and out-of-school time.
- Source: CDC
- Resource Type: Best Practices
- Year: 2024

This guidance document only addresses equitable services to eligible private school children and educators in covered ESEA programs under Title VIII. It provides information on the requirements of ESEA section 8501 and other applicable requirements in Title VIII. Programs governed by Title VIII include certain formula grants, including Title IV, Part B - Nita M. Lowey 21st Century Community Learning Centers.
- Source: U.S. Department of Education
- Resource Type: Policy/Guidance Documents
- Year: 2023

Although this tip sheet focuses on the school day, the prevention strategies and tips about trafficking and exploitation of students are readily applicable to out-of-school time programs.
- Source: National Center of Safe Supportive Learning Environments
- Resource Type: Best Practices, Evidence-Based Practices
- Year: 2024

This web page includes a searchable database of activities and practices that can support student and staff members' well-being.
- Source: UC Berkeley's Greater Good Science Center
- Resource Type: Evidence-Based Practices, Research

This web page provides information about eight federal grant programs that may be of interest to community-based organizations that serve disadvantaged youth. These programs focus on assisting low-income individuals, first-generation college students, and individuals with disabilities to progress through the academic pipeline from middle school to postbaccalaureate programs.
- Source: U.S. Department of Education
- Resource Type: Leadership and Management Practices
- Year: 2024

This collection of evidence-based violence prevention resources is intended for anyone involved in planning, implementing, and evaluating violence prevention efforts. Topics include adverse childhood experiences (ACEs), child abuse and neglect, intimate partner violence, sexual violence, suicide, and youth violence.
- Source: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)
- Resource Type: Best Practices, Evidence-Based Practices, Implementation Strategies, Innovation and Best Practices, Leadership and Management Practices, Research
- Year: 2022

This three-part podcast series shares findings from a student-led study on improving out-of-school-time programs. Topics include making programs accessible, creating a sense of belonging, and welcoming and supporting youth workers.
- Source: The Wallace Foundation
- Resource Type: Evidence-Based Practices, Research
- Year: 2023

This "key insight" web page describes the potential benefits of out-of-school time (OST) programs and the elements of quality OST programs, with links to a variety of resources for OST education and programming.
- Source: The Wallace Foundation
- Resource Type: Implementation Strategies, Innovation and Best Practices, Leadership and Management Practices, Policy/Guidance Documents, Research

This review of research spanning 20 years found career and technical education (CTE) has positive impacts on students' academic achievement, high school completion, employability skills, and college readiness. OST programs could use this article to advocate for the inclusion of CTE activities in their programs or to create buy-in for these activities with partners.
- Source: Career & Technical Education Resource Network
- Resource Type: Research
- Year: 2024

This survey of college students' financial challenges can help out-of-school time programs identify areas where they could offer enrichment activities to strengthen students' financial literacy, helping them avoid similar challenges that could get in the way of achieving their dreams.
- Source: Inside Higher Ed
- Resource Type: Research
- Year: 2022

The Youth Changing the World toolkit and implementation guide can help students develop and engage in service-learning activities. Grants also available: https://ysa.org/grants/afterschool/
- Source: Youth Service America
- Resource Type: Best Practices, Implementation Strategies, Leadership and Management Practices
Search Results

This infographic provides four sets of tips for a successful school year (or testing season). Geared toward high school students, these healthy reminders will help students to show up ready to learn for the school day and out-of-school time.
- Source: CDC
- Resource Type: Best Practices
- Year: 2024

This guidance document only addresses equitable services to eligible private school children and educators in covered ESEA programs under Title VIII. It provides information on the requirements of ESEA section 8501 and other applicable requirements in Title VIII. Programs governed by Title VIII include certain formula grants, including Title IV, Part B - Nita M. Lowey 21st Century Community Learning Centers.
- Source: U.S. Department of Education
- Resource Type: Policy/Guidance Documents
- Year: 2023

Although this tip sheet focuses on the school day, the prevention strategies and tips about trafficking and exploitation of students are readily applicable to out-of-school time programs.
- Source: National Center of Safe Supportive Learning Environments
- Resource Type: Best Practices, Evidence-Based Practices
- Year: 2024

This web page includes a searchable database of activities and practices that can support student and staff members' well-being.
- Source: UC Berkeley's Greater Good Science Center
- Resource Type: Evidence-Based Practices, Research

This web page provides information about eight federal grant programs that may be of interest to community-based organizations that serve disadvantaged youth. These programs focus on assisting low-income individuals, first-generation college students, and individuals with disabilities to progress through the academic pipeline from middle school to postbaccalaureate programs.
- Source: U.S. Department of Education
- Resource Type: Leadership and Management Practices
- Year: 2024

This collection of evidence-based violence prevention resources is intended for anyone involved in planning, implementing, and evaluating violence prevention efforts. Topics include adverse childhood experiences (ACEs), child abuse and neglect, intimate partner violence, sexual violence, suicide, and youth violence.
- Source: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)
- Resource Type: Best Practices, Evidence-Based Practices, Implementation Strategies, Innovation and Best Practices, Leadership and Management Practices, Research
- Year: 2022

This three-part podcast series shares findings from a student-led study on improving out-of-school-time programs. Topics include making programs accessible, creating a sense of belonging, and welcoming and supporting youth workers.
- Source: The Wallace Foundation
- Resource Type: Evidence-Based Practices, Research
- Year: 2023

This "key insight" web page describes the potential benefits of out-of-school time (OST) programs and the elements of quality OST programs, with links to a variety of resources for OST education and programming.
- Source: The Wallace Foundation
- Resource Type: Implementation Strategies, Innovation and Best Practices, Leadership and Management Practices, Policy/Guidance Documents, Research

This review of research spanning 20 years found career and technical education (CTE) has positive impacts on students' academic achievement, high school completion, employability skills, and college readiness. OST programs could use this article to advocate for the inclusion of CTE activities in their programs or to create buy-in for these activities with partners.
- Source: Career & Technical Education Resource Network
- Resource Type: Research
- Year: 2024

This survey of college students' financial challenges can help out-of-school time programs identify areas where they could offer enrichment activities to strengthen students' financial literacy, helping them avoid similar challenges that could get in the way of achieving their dreams.
- Source: Inside Higher Ed
- Resource Type: Research
- Year: 2022

The Youth Changing the World toolkit and implementation guide can help students develop and engage in service-learning activities. Grants also available: https://ysa.org/grants/afterschool/
- Source: Youth Service America
- Resource Type: Best Practices, Implementation Strategies, Leadership and Management Practices