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Here you’ll find free resources from government agencies, nongovernmental organizations, and others in the field, curated by our team with 21st CCLC professionals in mind. The external resource library includes videos, web pages, publications, and more to help you learn about and implement evidence-based strategies and best practices. All were screened for their relevance to out-of-school time, and many are specific to 21st CCLC programs.
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Search Results

This web page is for faith-based and other neighborhood organization grantees, subgrantees, and contractors that provide program services to beneficiaries under a grant or subgrant. The stated purpose for the page is to provide a clear and uniform understanding of the fundamental principles that apply to award recipients, along with guidance and regulations for implementing their awards.
- Source: U.S. Department of Education
- Resource Type: Policy/Guidance Documents
- Year: 2024

These infographics, designed to strengthen student learning and access to learning opportunities, share evidence-based practices for sustaining family, school, and community engagement.
- Source: Comprehensive Center Network
- Resource Type: Best Practices, Evidence-Based Practices, Implementation Strategies, Leadership and Management Practices
- Year: 2024

These infographics, designed to strengthen student learning and advance equity, share evidence-based practices for collaborative and culturally sustaining family, school, and community engagement.
- Source: Comprehensive Center Network
- Resource Type: Implementation Strategies, Innovation and Best Practices, Leadership and Management Practices, Research
- Year: 2024

This brief summarizes one webinar from a six-part series of conversations designed to "Raise the Bar" for family engagement practices between school and home. This webinar featured education leaders and practitioners sharing how family engagement helps young people navigate educational options after high school and unlock career opportunities.
- Source: U.S. Department of Education
- Resource Type: Implementation Strategies, Innovation and Best Practices, Leadership and Management Practices, Research
- Year: 2023

This 15-minute video from the Best Practices Clearinghouse features the Future Proud Michigan Educator program, which helps students explore careers in education and work toward a child or youth development credential in high school. Michigan's 21st CCLC SEA Coordinator and other innovators from a variety of programs and perspectives tell how they partnered and engaged stakeholders to develop the program.
- Source: Best Practices Clearinghouse
- Resource Type: Best Practices, Evidence-Based Practices, Implementation Strategies, Leadership and Management Practices
- Year: 2024

This web page describes the GEAR UP descretionary grant program, which may be of intersest to out-of-school time programs focusing on career prep. GEAR UP provides grants to States and partnerships seeking to prepare low-income middle and high schools to enter and succeed in postsecondary education.
- Source: U.S. Department of Education
- Resource Type: Leadership and Management Practices
- Year: 2024

This web page provides access to the Healthier Generation Assessment for Out-of-School Time (OST) and other tools to help OST programs plan and implement best practices to create a healthier OST environment for students.
- Source: Healthier Generation
- Resource Type: Evidence-Based Practices, Implementation Strategies, Innovation and Best Practices, Research
- Year: 2023

This playbook provides information and tools to support out-of-school time providers and support networks interested in expanding or beginning to offer high-impact tutoring programs.
- Source: National Student Support Accelerator (a program of the Stanford Accelerator for Learning and EdSolutions at Stanford University)
- Resource Type: Best Practices, Evidence-Based Practices, Implementation Strategies
- Year: 2023

This guidance document and supplemental resources present research-based methods and best practices to maximize instruction for students with disabilities.
- Source: University of Florida CEEDAR Center
- Resource Type: Implementation Strategies, Research
- Year: 2024

This Illinois study has broad implications for the positive correlation between relationships with families and student attendance and engagement when there are school disruptions. OST programs could use these findings to advocate for increasing their family engagement activities or to create buy-in for these activities with partners.
- Source: Learning Heroes and TNTP
- Resource Type: Best Practices, Evidence-Based Practices, Implementation Strategies, Leadership and Management Practices, Research
- Year: 2023

This report includes insights about afterschool programs, trends, and recommendations for school districts, OST providers, advocates, and policymakers.
- Source: Afterschool Alliance
- Resource Type: Best Practices, Evidence-Based Practices, Leadership and Management Practices, Research
- Year: 2023

Educators can use this playbook to help bridge the “knowing-doing” gap that exists for how to improve the educational outcomes of students of color with learning differences. The “plays” are (1) include parents, (2) embed social-emotional supports, (3) build a "village," (4) use culturally responsive practices, (5) employ a strengths-based approach, (6) seek additional training, and (7) advocate on behalf of students. The tips address school and systemic issues, but out-of-school time programs will find them relevant and useful for discussion, reflection, and training.
- Source: Center for Racial Equity in Education (CREED)
- Resource Type: Implementation Strategies
- Year: 2023
Search Results

This web page is for faith-based and other neighborhood organization grantees, subgrantees, and contractors that provide program services to beneficiaries under a grant or subgrant. The stated purpose for the page is to provide a clear and uniform understanding of the fundamental principles that apply to award recipients, along with guidance and regulations for implementing their awards.
- Source: U.S. Department of Education
- Resource Type: Policy/Guidance Documents
- Year: 2024

These infographics, designed to strengthen student learning and access to learning opportunities, share evidence-based practices for sustaining family, school, and community engagement.
- Source: Comprehensive Center Network
- Resource Type: Best Practices, Evidence-Based Practices, Implementation Strategies, Leadership and Management Practices
- Year: 2024

These infographics, designed to strengthen student learning and advance equity, share evidence-based practices for collaborative and culturally sustaining family, school, and community engagement.
- Source: Comprehensive Center Network
- Resource Type: Implementation Strategies, Innovation and Best Practices, Leadership and Management Practices, Research
- Year: 2024

This brief summarizes one webinar from a six-part series of conversations designed to "Raise the Bar" for family engagement practices between school and home. This webinar featured education leaders and practitioners sharing how family engagement helps young people navigate educational options after high school and unlock career opportunities.
- Source: U.S. Department of Education
- Resource Type: Implementation Strategies, Innovation and Best Practices, Leadership and Management Practices, Research
- Year: 2023

This 15-minute video from the Best Practices Clearinghouse features the Future Proud Michigan Educator program, which helps students explore careers in education and work toward a child or youth development credential in high school. Michigan's 21st CCLC SEA Coordinator and other innovators from a variety of programs and perspectives tell how they partnered and engaged stakeholders to develop the program.
- Source: Best Practices Clearinghouse
- Resource Type: Best Practices, Evidence-Based Practices, Implementation Strategies, Leadership and Management Practices
- Year: 2024

This web page describes the GEAR UP descretionary grant program, which may be of intersest to out-of-school time programs focusing on career prep. GEAR UP provides grants to States and partnerships seeking to prepare low-income middle and high schools to enter and succeed in postsecondary education.
- Source: U.S. Department of Education
- Resource Type: Leadership and Management Practices
- Year: 2024

This web page provides access to the Healthier Generation Assessment for Out-of-School Time (OST) and other tools to help OST programs plan and implement best practices to create a healthier OST environment for students.
- Source: Healthier Generation
- Resource Type: Evidence-Based Practices, Implementation Strategies, Innovation and Best Practices, Research
- Year: 2023

This playbook provides information and tools to support out-of-school time providers and support networks interested in expanding or beginning to offer high-impact tutoring programs.
- Source: National Student Support Accelerator (a program of the Stanford Accelerator for Learning and EdSolutions at Stanford University)
- Resource Type: Best Practices, Evidence-Based Practices, Implementation Strategies
- Year: 2023

This guidance document and supplemental resources present research-based methods and best practices to maximize instruction for students with disabilities.
- Source: University of Florida CEEDAR Center
- Resource Type: Implementation Strategies, Research
- Year: 2024

This Illinois study has broad implications for the positive correlation between relationships with families and student attendance and engagement when there are school disruptions. OST programs could use these findings to advocate for increasing their family engagement activities or to create buy-in for these activities with partners.
- Source: Learning Heroes and TNTP
- Resource Type: Best Practices, Evidence-Based Practices, Implementation Strategies, Leadership and Management Practices, Research
- Year: 2023

This report includes insights about afterschool programs, trends, and recommendations for school districts, OST providers, advocates, and policymakers.
- Source: Afterschool Alliance
- Resource Type: Best Practices, Evidence-Based Practices, Leadership and Management Practices, Research
- Year: 2023

Educators can use this playbook to help bridge the “knowing-doing” gap that exists for how to improve the educational outcomes of students of color with learning differences. The “plays” are (1) include parents, (2) embed social-emotional supports, (3) build a "village," (4) use culturally responsive practices, (5) employ a strengths-based approach, (6) seek additional training, and (7) advocate on behalf of students. The tips address school and systemic issues, but out-of-school time programs will find them relevant and useful for discussion, reflection, and training.
- Source: Center for Racial Equity in Education (CREED)
- Resource Type: Implementation Strategies
- Year: 2023