21st CCLC Century Community Learning Centers NTAC National Technical Assistance Center -
Here you’ll find free resources from government agencies, nongovernmental organizations, and others in the field, curated by our team with 21st CCLC professionals in mind. The external resource library includes videos, web pages, publications, and more to help you learn about and implement evidence-based strategies and best practices. All were screened for their relevance to out-of-school time, and many are specific to 21st CCLC programs.
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Search Results

This web page provides suggestions and examples to help you publicize your out-of-school time program to increase visibility, encourage attendance and engagement, celebrate successes, and "tell your story" to stakeholders.
- Source: Afterschool Alliance
- Resource Type: Innovation and Best Practices, Leadership and Management Practices

This resource provides strategies program leaders can use to support the well-being of their staff.
- Source: U.S. Department of Education
- Resource Type: Implementation Strategies, Leadership and Management Practices
- Year: 2022

This section of the MyMoney website offers resources for building financial literacy among students and their family members.
- Source: Federal Financial Literacy and Education Commission
- Resource Type: Implementation Strategies

The NAA Core Knowledge and Competencies were developed to enable afterschool and youth development practitioners to demonstrate expertise and gain a higher level of recognition within their communities, particularly from school officials.
- Source: National Afterschool Association (NAA)
- Resource Type: Implementation Strategies, Innovation and Best Practices, Leadership and Management Practices, Research
- Year: 2021

The NAA Core Knowledge and Competencies were developed to enable afterschool and youth development practitioners to demonstrate expertise and gain a higher level of recognition within their communities, particularly from school officials.
- Source: National Afterschool Association (NAA)
- Resource Type: Best Practices, Evidence-Based Practices, Implementation Strategies, Leadership and Management Practices
- Year: 2021

This toolkit was created to help families choose education services that meet their child’s needs. Schools and programs may share the toolkit as a resource for English learners and their families.
- Source: U.S. Department of Education, National Clearinghouse for English Language Acquisition
- Resource Type: Implementation Strategies, Policy/Guidance Documents
- Year: 2023

This web page provides ideas and resources to help integrate NOAA science into formal and informal education. It includes a special collection of STEM materials for distance educators or families working with students at home.
- Source: National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
- Resource Type: Implementation Strategies
- Year: 2023

This toolkit was created as a resource for State, local, and school leaders to support multilingual learners and general education educators who directly serve immigrant and refugee students. Out-of-school time programs that serve these populations will also find it helpful.
- Source: U.S. Department of Education
- Resource Type: Implementation Strategies, Research
- Year: 2023

This toolkit was created as a resource for State, local, and school leaders to support English learners and general education educators who directly serve immigrant and refugee students. Out-of-school time programs that serve these populations will also find it helpful.
- Source: National Clearinghouse for English Language Acquisition
- Resource Type: Evidence-Based Practices, Implementation Strategies
- Year: 2023

This non-regulatory guidance document provides program definitions, information on State allocations, guidance on State competitions and subgrantee use of funds, and requirements for monitoring and program evaluation.
- Source: U.S. Department of Education
- Resource Type: Policy/Guidance Documents
- Year: 2024

The U.S. Department of Education maintains this web page to provide information about the 21st CCLC program, including performance measures and reports; relevant legislation, regulations, and guidance; funding status and awards; eligibility; contact information for federal and State program leaders; and resources.
- Source: U.S. Department of Education
- Resource Type: Policy/Guidance Documents

This document provides guidance in selecting, using, and building evidence-based activities, strategies, and interventions, as defined in Title VIII of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965, as amended.
- Source: U.S. Department of Education
- Resource Type: Policy/Guidance Documents
- Year: 2023
Search Results

This web page provides suggestions and examples to help you publicize your out-of-school time program to increase visibility, encourage attendance and engagement, celebrate successes, and "tell your story" to stakeholders.
- Source: Afterschool Alliance
- Resource Type: Innovation and Best Practices, Leadership and Management Practices

This resource provides strategies program leaders can use to support the well-being of their staff.
- Source: U.S. Department of Education
- Resource Type: Implementation Strategies, Leadership and Management Practices
- Year: 2022

This section of the MyMoney website offers resources for building financial literacy among students and their family members.
- Source: Federal Financial Literacy and Education Commission
- Resource Type: Implementation Strategies

The NAA Core Knowledge and Competencies were developed to enable afterschool and youth development practitioners to demonstrate expertise and gain a higher level of recognition within their communities, particularly from school officials.
- Source: National Afterschool Association (NAA)
- Resource Type: Implementation Strategies, Innovation and Best Practices, Leadership and Management Practices, Research
- Year: 2021

The NAA Core Knowledge and Competencies were developed to enable afterschool and youth development practitioners to demonstrate expertise and gain a higher level of recognition within their communities, particularly from school officials.
- Source: National Afterschool Association (NAA)
- Resource Type: Best Practices, Evidence-Based Practices, Implementation Strategies, Leadership and Management Practices
- Year: 2021

This toolkit was created to help families choose education services that meet their child’s needs. Schools and programs may share the toolkit as a resource for English learners and their families.
- Source: U.S. Department of Education, National Clearinghouse for English Language Acquisition
- Resource Type: Implementation Strategies, Policy/Guidance Documents
- Year: 2023

This web page provides ideas and resources to help integrate NOAA science into formal and informal education. It includes a special collection of STEM materials for distance educators or families working with students at home.
- Source: National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
- Resource Type: Implementation Strategies
- Year: 2023

This toolkit was created as a resource for State, local, and school leaders to support multilingual learners and general education educators who directly serve immigrant and refugee students. Out-of-school time programs that serve these populations will also find it helpful.
- Source: U.S. Department of Education
- Resource Type: Implementation Strategies, Research
- Year: 2023

This toolkit was created as a resource for State, local, and school leaders to support English learners and general education educators who directly serve immigrant and refugee students. Out-of-school time programs that serve these populations will also find it helpful.
- Source: National Clearinghouse for English Language Acquisition
- Resource Type: Evidence-Based Practices, Implementation Strategies
- Year: 2023

This non-regulatory guidance document provides program definitions, information on State allocations, guidance on State competitions and subgrantee use of funds, and requirements for monitoring and program evaluation.
- Source: U.S. Department of Education
- Resource Type: Policy/Guidance Documents
- Year: 2024

The U.S. Department of Education maintains this web page to provide information about the 21st CCLC program, including performance measures and reports; relevant legislation, regulations, and guidance; funding status and awards; eligibility; contact information for federal and State program leaders; and resources.
- Source: U.S. Department of Education
- Resource Type: Policy/Guidance Documents

This document provides guidance in selecting, using, and building evidence-based activities, strategies, and interventions, as defined in Title VIII of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965, as amended.
- Source: U.S. Department of Education
- Resource Type: Policy/Guidance Documents
- Year: 2023