21st CCLC Century Community Learning Centers NTAC National Technical Assistance Center -


Here you’ll find free resources from government agencies, nongovernmental organizations, and others in the field, curated by our team with 21st CCLC professionals in mind. The external resource library includes videos, web pages, publications, and more to help you learn about and implement evidence-based strategies and best practices. All were screened for their relevance to out-of-school time, and many are specific to 21st CCLC programs.

Featured External Resources

Looking for a resource in one of these 21st CCLC NTAC priority areas? Select each link to see a highlighted resource in that area.
Note: Selecting a link will take you to an external website.

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Site Visit Checklist

This comprehensive site visit checklist can help sites prepare for, implement, and follow up on site visits from stakeholders.

  • Source: Sperling Center for Research and Innovation
  • Resource Type: Implementation Strategies, Leadership and Management Practices
  • Year: 2021
Spiking Demand, Growing Barriers: The Trends Shaping Afterschool and Summer Learning in Rural Communities

This fact sheet summarizes findings from the America After 3PM national survey about access to afterschool and summer programming in rural communities. 

  • Source: Afterschool Alliance
  • Resource Type: Leadership and Management Practices, Research
  • Year: 2021
Structuring Out-of-School Time to Improve Academic Learning

This practice guide includes five recommendations to help district and school administrators and out-of-school program providers design out-of-school time programs that will increase learning for students. It describes the research supporting each recommendation, how to carry out each recommendation, and how to address implementation roadblocks that might arise.

  • Source: U.S. Department of Education, Institute of Education Sciences, What Works Clearinghouse
  • Resource Type: Implementation Strategies, Innovation and Best Practices, Research
  • Year: 2009
Summer and Afterschool Needs Assessment Success Criteria

This information sheet lists the benefits of applying for Medicaid funding for school-based services and provides step-by-step instructions for applying. Out-of-school time programs who are partnering with schools to provide wraparound services may find this information useful.

  • Source: Comprehensive Center Network
  • Resource Type: Implementation Strategies, Leadership and Management Practices
  • Year: 2024
Summer Learning Toolkit

This toolkit includes more than 50 tools and samples used by five urban districts and their partners to plan summer learning. Each tool includes guidance on why it's important and tips for effective use.

  • Source: The Wallace Foundation
  • Resource Type: Evidence-Based Practices, Implementation Strategies, Innovation and Best Practices, Research
  • Year: 2018
Supporting and Responding to Students' Social, Emotional, and Behavioral Needs: Evidence-Based Practices for Educators

This practice guide from the Office of Special Education Programs summarizes evidence-based, positive, and proactive practices that support and respond to students’ social, emotional, and behavioral needs in classrooms and similar teaching and learning environments.

  • Source: Center on Positive Behavioral Interventions & Supports
  • Resource Type: Implementation Strategies, Innovation and Best Practices, Research
  • Year: 2024
Supporting Recovery With Evidence-Based Practices: Building and Using Evidence in Summer, Afterschool, and Other Out-of-School Time Settings

This web page is formatted as a five-step checklist with links to resources for designing and implementing out-of-school time programs that support students' academic recovery.

  • Source: U.S. Department of Education, Institute of Education Sciences
  • Resource Type: Evidence-Based Practices, Implementation Strategies, Innovation and Best Practices, Research
Supporting Students with Chronic Health Conditions in School-Based Out of School Time Programs

This issue brief presents policy and programmatic considerations for students with chronic health conditions who attend public school-based out-of-school time (OST) programs. The brief highlights the importance of communication and

coordination between OST programs, school-day staff, students, and caregivers.

  • Source: CDC
  • Resource Type: Implementation Strategies, Leadership and Management Practices, Policy/Guidance Documents
  • Year: 2023
Sustaining Efforts to Boost Regular Student Attendance

This two-page information sheet describes selected federal education funding sources, tools, and technical assistance that can be used to combat chronic absenteeism and boost regular school-day attendance. Out-of-school time programs may find some of these resources useful to make an impact on their programming in other ways. 

  • Source: U.S. Department of Education
  • Resource Type: Policy/Guidance Documents
  • Year: 2024
Take Action Toolkit

This toolkit includes links to federal resources that support adolescent health and well-being, encourages making local connections, and provides processes and tools to help programs accomplish a "triple dividend" -- health for adolescents now, a healthy adult life, and better health for the next generation. 

  • Source: U.S. Department of Health & Human Services, Office of Population Affairs
  • Resource Type: Evidence-Based Practices, Implementation Strategies
  • Year: 2023
The Impressive Effects of Tutoring on PreK-12 Learning: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of the Experimental Evidence

This paper offers an in-depth look at the efficacy of tutoring programs, both in the school setting and in out-of-school time programs, focusing on the effectiveness of four different types of tutors (teacher, paraprofessional, nonprofessional/volunteer, and parent).

  • Source: National Bureau of Economic Research
  • Resource Type: Evidence-Based Practices, Leadership and Management Practices, Research
  • Year: 2023
Tips for a Positive Start to the School Year!

This infographic provides four sets of tips for a successful school year. Geared toward parents of elementary and middle school students, these whole-child supports help students show up ready to learn for the school day and out-of-school time.

  • Source: CDC
  • Resource Type: Best Practices
  • Year: 2024
Site Visit Checklist

This comprehensive site visit checklist can help sites prepare for, implement, and follow up on site visits from stakeholders.

  • Source: Sperling Center for Research and Innovation
  • Resource Type: Implementation Strategies, Leadership and Management Practices
  • Year: 2021
Spiking Demand, Growing Barriers: The Trends Shaping Afterschool and Summer Learning in Rural Communities

This fact sheet summarizes findings from the America After 3PM national survey about access to afterschool and summer programming in rural communities. 

  • Source: Afterschool Alliance
  • Resource Type: Leadership and Management Practices, Research
  • Year: 2021
Structuring Out-of-School Time to Improve Academic Learning

This practice guide includes five recommendations to help district and school administrators and out-of-school program providers design out-of-school time programs that will increase learning for students. It describes the research supporting each recommendation, how to carry out each recommendation, and how to address implementation roadblocks that might arise.

  • Source: U.S. Department of Education, Institute of Education Sciences, What Works Clearinghouse
  • Resource Type: Implementation Strategies, Innovation and Best Practices, Research
  • Year: 2009
Summer and Afterschool Needs Assessment Success Criteria

This information sheet lists the benefits of applying for Medicaid funding for school-based services and provides step-by-step instructions for applying. Out-of-school time programs who are partnering with schools to provide wraparound services may find this information useful.

  • Source: Comprehensive Center Network
  • Resource Type: Implementation Strategies, Leadership and Management Practices
  • Year: 2024
Summer Learning Toolkit

This toolkit includes more than 50 tools and samples used by five urban districts and their partners to plan summer learning. Each tool includes guidance on why it's important and tips for effective use.

  • Source: The Wallace Foundation
  • Resource Type: Evidence-Based Practices, Implementation Strategies, Innovation and Best Practices, Research
  • Year: 2018
Supporting and Responding to Students' Social, Emotional, and Behavioral Needs: Evidence-Based Practices for Educators

This practice guide from the Office of Special Education Programs summarizes evidence-based, positive, and proactive practices that support and respond to students’ social, emotional, and behavioral needs in classrooms and similar teaching and learning environments.

  • Source: Center on Positive Behavioral Interventions & Supports
  • Resource Type: Implementation Strategies, Innovation and Best Practices, Research
  • Year: 2024
Supporting Recovery With Evidence-Based Practices: Building and Using Evidence in Summer, Afterschool, and Other Out-of-School Time Settings

This web page is formatted as a five-step checklist with links to resources for designing and implementing out-of-school time programs that support students' academic recovery.

  • Source: U.S. Department of Education, Institute of Education Sciences
  • Resource Type: Evidence-Based Practices, Implementation Strategies, Innovation and Best Practices, Research
Supporting Students with Chronic Health Conditions in School-Based Out of School Time Programs

This issue brief presents policy and programmatic considerations for students with chronic health conditions who attend public school-based out-of-school time (OST) programs. The brief highlights the importance of communication and

coordination between OST programs, school-day staff, students, and caregivers.

  • Source: CDC
  • Resource Type: Implementation Strategies, Leadership and Management Practices, Policy/Guidance Documents
  • Year: 2023
Sustaining Efforts to Boost Regular Student Attendance

This two-page information sheet describes selected federal education funding sources, tools, and technical assistance that can be used to combat chronic absenteeism and boost regular school-day attendance. Out-of-school time programs may find some of these resources useful to make an impact on their programming in other ways. 

  • Source: U.S. Department of Education
  • Resource Type: Policy/Guidance Documents
  • Year: 2024
Take Action Toolkit

This toolkit includes links to federal resources that support adolescent health and well-being, encourages making local connections, and provides processes and tools to help programs accomplish a "triple dividend" -- health for adolescents now, a healthy adult life, and better health for the next generation. 

  • Source: U.S. Department of Health & Human Services, Office of Population Affairs
  • Resource Type: Evidence-Based Practices, Implementation Strategies
  • Year: 2023
The Impressive Effects of Tutoring on PreK-12 Learning: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of the Experimental Evidence

This paper offers an in-depth look at the efficacy of tutoring programs, both in the school setting and in out-of-school time programs, focusing on the effectiveness of four different types of tutors (teacher, paraprofessional, nonprofessional/volunteer, and parent).

  • Source: National Bureau of Economic Research
  • Resource Type: Evidence-Based Practices, Leadership and Management Practices, Research
  • Year: 2023
Tips for a Positive Start to the School Year!

This infographic provides four sets of tips for a successful school year. Geared toward parents of elementary and middle school students, these whole-child supports help students show up ready to learn for the school day and out-of-school time.

  • Source: CDC
  • Resource Type: Best Practices
  • Year: 2024
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This resource was developed by the Nita M. Lowey 21st Century Community Learning Centers (21st CCLC) National Technical Assistance Center (NTAC),funded under a grant from the U.S. Department of Education (Department) and administered by Synergy Enterprises, Inc. underCooperativeAgreementNo. 287E230009 with the Department’s Office of Elementary and Secondary Education. Opinions expressed herein do not necessarily reflect the position or policy of the Department, nor does mention of trade names, commercial products, or organizations imply endorsement by the Department or the federal government. The 21st CCLC NTAC project officers are Dr. Janell Wood and Ms.Andrea Jackson.