21st CCLC Century Community Learning Centers NTAC National Technical Assistance Center -
Here you’ll find free resources from government agencies, nongovernmental organizations, and others in the field, curated by our team with 21st CCLC professionals in mind. The external resource library includes videos, web pages, publications, and more to help you learn about and implement evidence-based strategies and best practices. All were screened for their relevance to out-of-school time, and many are specific to 21st CCLC programs.
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Search Results

This web page provides information about a collaborative project to design and deliver STEM programs that engage youth in out-of-school time place-based citizen science and environmental monitoring. Free activity ideas and resources are available.
- Source: National Park Service, U.S. Department of Education, National Environmental Education Foundation (NEEF)
- Resource Type: Evidence-Based Practices, Implementation Strategies, Innovation and Best Practices, Research

This web page describes and links to projects, resources, and publications specific to out-of-school time from the Education Development Center, a global nonprofit organization.
- Source: Education Development Corporation (EDC)
- Resource Type: Best Practices, Evidence-Based Practices, Implementation Strategies, Innovation and Best Practices, Leadership and Management Practices, Research
- Year: 2023

This toolkit is for stakeholders seeking to develop or strengthen out-of-school time (OST) efforts in their community. It has tools and modules on building coalitions, engaging stakeholders, strengthening program quality, building a case for OST programming, and more.
- Source: United Way
- Resource Type: Implementation Strategies, Innovation and Best Practices
- Year: 2024

This web page describes core practices of the Parent Teacher Home Visits model for fostering meaningful relationships with students' families, starting with voluntary home visits. This summary of core practices could give OST programs easy-to-digest information about home visits as they consider whether and how to conduct them.
- Source: Parent Teacher Home Visits
- Resource Type: Best Practices, Evidence-Based Practices, Implementation Strategies
- Year: 2024

This final rule amends the regulations of the U.S. Department of Education and other federal agencies to clarify protections for beneficiaries and prospective beneficiaries of federally funded social services and the rights and obligations of organizations providing such services.
- Source: Federal Register
- Resource Type: Leadership and Management Practices, Policy/Guidance Documents
- Year: 2024

The infographics in this data snapshot show the demographics and experiences of students with disabilities within U.S. public schools and school districts. This information may be useful to out-of-school time programs coordinating with the school day to serve students with disabilities.
- Source: U.S. Department of Education Office of Civil Rights
- Resource Type: Implementation Strategies, Innovation and Best Practices, Leadership and Management Practices, Policy/Guidance Documents, Research
- Year: 2023

This web page describes the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's Whole School, Whole Community, Whole Child approach in out-of-school time (OST) and includes links to numerous resources OST programs can use to support healthy behaviors.
- Source: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
- Resource Type: Implementation Strategies

This information sheet, or excerpts, can be used by out-of-school time programs to help city leaders understand ways they can support local afterschool programs and potential benefits for students, families, and the community. Note: You must register to access this resource, but it's free.
- Source: National League of Cities (NLC)
- Resource Type: Best Practices, Evidence-Based Practices, Leadership and Management Practices

This framework can be used to help communicate to students and families about the benefits of attending summer programs (e.g., to build routines, increase engagement, provide access to resources, and support learning).
- Source: Attendance Works
- Resource Type: Evidence-Based Practices, Implementation Strategies, Innovation and Best Practices, Research
- Year: 2022

This toolkit includes a readiness assessment and automatic reporting so that out-of-school time programs can use their own data to develop their readiness to implement a program or practice. It also includes a readiness resource library.
- Source: American Institutes for Research
- Resource Type: Evidence-Based Practices, Leadership and Management Practices, Research
- Year: 2023

This recorded webinar discusses the unique challenges and opportunities in rural afterschool and summer learning programs.
- Source: Temescal Associates, How Kids Learn Foundation
- Resource Type: Best Practices
- Year: 2023

This two-page document describes and links to Department programs that provide funding opportunities, technical assistance, and other resources tailored to the rural context.
- Source: U.S. Department of Education
- Resource Type: Implementation Strategies, Innovation and Best Practices, Research
- Year: 2023
Search Results

This web page provides information about a collaborative project to design and deliver STEM programs that engage youth in out-of-school time place-based citizen science and environmental monitoring. Free activity ideas and resources are available.
- Source: National Park Service, U.S. Department of Education, National Environmental Education Foundation (NEEF)
- Resource Type: Evidence-Based Practices, Implementation Strategies, Innovation and Best Practices, Research

This web page describes and links to projects, resources, and publications specific to out-of-school time from the Education Development Center, a global nonprofit organization.
- Source: Education Development Corporation (EDC)
- Resource Type: Best Practices, Evidence-Based Practices, Implementation Strategies, Innovation and Best Practices, Leadership and Management Practices, Research
- Year: 2023

This toolkit is for stakeholders seeking to develop or strengthen out-of-school time (OST) efforts in their community. It has tools and modules on building coalitions, engaging stakeholders, strengthening program quality, building a case for OST programming, and more.
- Source: United Way
- Resource Type: Implementation Strategies, Innovation and Best Practices
- Year: 2024

This web page describes core practices of the Parent Teacher Home Visits model for fostering meaningful relationships with students' families, starting with voluntary home visits. This summary of core practices could give OST programs easy-to-digest information about home visits as they consider whether and how to conduct them.
- Source: Parent Teacher Home Visits
- Resource Type: Best Practices, Evidence-Based Practices, Implementation Strategies
- Year: 2024

This final rule amends the regulations of the U.S. Department of Education and other federal agencies to clarify protections for beneficiaries and prospective beneficiaries of federally funded social services and the rights and obligations of organizations providing such services.
- Source: Federal Register
- Resource Type: Leadership and Management Practices, Policy/Guidance Documents
- Year: 2024

The infographics in this data snapshot show the demographics and experiences of students with disabilities within U.S. public schools and school districts. This information may be useful to out-of-school time programs coordinating with the school day to serve students with disabilities.
- Source: U.S. Department of Education Office of Civil Rights
- Resource Type: Implementation Strategies, Innovation and Best Practices, Leadership and Management Practices, Policy/Guidance Documents, Research
- Year: 2023

This web page describes the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's Whole School, Whole Community, Whole Child approach in out-of-school time (OST) and includes links to numerous resources OST programs can use to support healthy behaviors.
- Source: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
- Resource Type: Implementation Strategies

This information sheet, or excerpts, can be used by out-of-school time programs to help city leaders understand ways they can support local afterschool programs and potential benefits for students, families, and the community. Note: You must register to access this resource, but it's free.
- Source: National League of Cities (NLC)
- Resource Type: Best Practices, Evidence-Based Practices, Leadership and Management Practices

This framework can be used to help communicate to students and families about the benefits of attending summer programs (e.g., to build routines, increase engagement, provide access to resources, and support learning).
- Source: Attendance Works
- Resource Type: Evidence-Based Practices, Implementation Strategies, Innovation and Best Practices, Research
- Year: 2022

This toolkit includes a readiness assessment and automatic reporting so that out-of-school time programs can use their own data to develop their readiness to implement a program or practice. It also includes a readiness resource library.
- Source: American Institutes for Research
- Resource Type: Evidence-Based Practices, Leadership and Management Practices, Research
- Year: 2023

This recorded webinar discusses the unique challenges and opportunities in rural afterschool and summer learning programs.
- Source: Temescal Associates, How Kids Learn Foundation
- Resource Type: Best Practices
- Year: 2023

This two-page document describes and links to Department programs that provide funding opportunities, technical assistance, and other resources tailored to the rural context.
- Source: U.S. Department of Education
- Resource Type: Implementation Strategies, Innovation and Best Practices, Research
- Year: 2023