21st CCLC Century Community Learning Centers NTAC National Technical Assistance Center - About Us


The 21st Century Community Learning Centers (21st CCLC) National Technical Assistance Center (NTAC) builds capacity in Nita M. Lowey 21st CCLC programs by:

  • Providing training and technical assistance to 21st CCLC professionals
  • Providing resources grounded in best practices and evidence-based strategies
  • Promoting every student’s access to educational resources and opportunities
  • Meeting students’ academic and non-academic needs
  • Connecting 21st CCLC program leaders and staff to colleagues across the nation
  • Fostering collaboration and connection between the 21st CCLC program and other federal and nonfederal partners
21st CCLC staff


All Nita M. Lowey 21st Century Community Learning Centers SEA Coordinators and professionals obtain the knowledge and skills to implement programs that engage and empower students and their families to build lasting success as lifelong learners.


The 21st CCLC National Technical Assistance Center provides best practices, evidence-based resources, and learning opportunities to build the capacity of 21st CCLC professionals and stakeholders to support underserved youth and their families.

See Who We Are

In collaboration with the U.S. Department of Education, the primary goal of the 21st CCLC NTAC is to support the professionals who operate Nita M. Lowey 21st CCLC programs across the nation, building their capacity and empowering them in their own educational journey toward learning and continuous growth.

What Sets Us Apart

We’re funded through a grant from the U.S. Department of Education.

The products and services are specifically designed to support 21st CCLC programs; however, anyone can access the site and use its available resources. The 21st CCLC NTAC is:

  • Advised by a committee of 21st CCLC professionals and subject matter experts
  • A collaborative partner with federal and nonfederal agencies and organizations
  • A strategic provider of a multitiered system of supports (MTSS) with universal, targeted, and intensive technical assistance
  • Data driven
  • Results oriented — our technical assistance liaisons fine-tune supports to SEA Coordinators and subgrantees to ensure their success

The People and Programs We Serve

We’re here for the 21st CCLC community!

Across the nation, 10,652 21st CCLC programs provide academic enrichment opportunities during nonschool hours for children and youth, particularly students who attend high-poverty and low-performing schools. These centers help students meet State and local academic standards in core academic subjects such as reading and math; provide enrichment activities that complement academic programs to nearly 1.4 million students; and offer literacy and other educational services to families of participating students.

21st CCLC NTAC Team

Synergy Enterprises, Inc. (Synergy)

Dr. Candace M. Ferguson, Project Director

Dr. Candace M. Ferguson
Project Director

Ms. Charlotte Soriano, Project Coordinator

Ms. Charlotte Soriano
Project Coordinator

Ms. Carla McClure, Product and Content Development Lead

Ms. Carla McClure
Product and Content Development Lead

Ms. Jennifer Wicks, Communications Lead

Ms. Jennifer Wicks
Communications Lead

Mr. Rob Levenberry, Information Technology Team Lead

Mr. Rob Levenberry
Information Technology Team Lead

Ms. Yliana Barrera, Creative Content Specialist

Ms. Yliana Barrera
Creative Content Specialist

Ms. Michelle Cusey, Creative Content Specialist

Ms. Michelle Cusey
Creative Content Specialist

Mr. Sean Grobe, Senior Information Technology Advisor

Mr. Sean Grobe
Senior Information Technology Advisor

Mr. David Mazza, Creative Media Producer

Mr. David Mazza
Creative Media Producer

Ms. Deborah Nunley, Creative Content Specialist

Ms. Deborah Nunley
Creative Content Specialist

Ms. Michelle Owens, Partnership and Technical Assistance Liaison

Ms. Michelle Owens
Partnership and Technical Assistance Liaison

Mr. Shawn Petty, Senior Learning Solutions Specialist

Mr. Shawn Petty
Senior Learning Solutions Specialist

Ms. Natasha Pollard, Information Technology Specialist

Ms. Natasha Pollard
Information Technology Specialist

Ms. Cappella Santos-Brown, Creative Content Specialist

Ms. Cappella Santos-Brown
Creative Content Specialist

Ms. Marielle Sheridan, Creative Content Specialist

Ms. Marielle Sheridan
Creative Content Specialist

Abt Global

Dr. Sherri Lauver, Needs Assessment Team Lead

Dr. Sherri Lauver
Independent Evaluation Team Lead

Dr. Karen Gray-Adams, Independent Evaluation Team Lead

Dr. Karen Gray-Adams
Independent Evaluation Team Lead

Foundations, Inc.

Mr. David McConnell, Technical Assistance Team Lead

Mr. David McConnell
Technical Assistance Team Lead

Ms. Shanika Peck, Senior Technical Assistance Liaison

Ms. Shanika Peck
Senior Technical Assistance Liaison

Ms. Hillary Jones, Senior Technical Assistance Liaison

Ms. Hillary Jones
Senior Technical Assistance Liaison

Mr. Andrew Francis, Technical Assistance Liaison

Mr. Andrew Francis
Technical Assistance Liaison

Mr. John Hulse, Senior Technical Assistance Liaison

Mr. John Hulse
Senior Technical Assistance Liaison

Ms. Brittany Stanton, Technical Assistance Liaison

Ms. Brittany Stanton
Technical Assistance Liaison

Mr. Chaz Sumners, Technical Assistance Liaison

Mr. Chaz Sumners
Technical Assistance Liaison

Ms. Yana List, Technical Assistance Liaison

Ms. Yana List
Technical Assistance Liaison

U.S. Department of Education Program Office Team

Dr. La’ Shawndra Scroggins, 21st CCLC Group Leader

Dr. La’ Shawndra Scroggins
21st CCLC Group Leader

Dr. Janell Wood, 21st CCLC NTAC Project Officer

Dr. Janell Wood
21st CCLC NTAC Project Officer

Ms. Andrea Jackson, 21st CCLC NTAC Project Officer

Ms. Andrea Jackson
21st CCLC NTAC Project Officer

Julie Coplin, 21st CCLC Program Officer

Ms. Julie Coplin
21st CCLC Program Officer

Debra Little, 21st CCLC Program Officer

Ms. Debra Little
21st CCLC Program Officer

Gail Payne, 21st CCLC Program Officer

Ms. Gail Payne
21st CCLC Program Officer

Technical Assistance Advisory Committee (TAAC)

The TAAC includes 21st CCLC SEA Coordinators, program leaders, and subject matter experts.

To see TAAC members' information, hover over the States colored light blue.

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This resource was developed by the Nita M. Lowey 21st Century Community Learning Centers (21st CCLC) National Technical Assistance Center (NTAC),funded under a grant from the U.S. Department of Education (Department) and administered by Synergy Enterprises, Inc. underCooperativeAgreementNo. 287E230009 with the Department’s Office of Elementary and Secondary Education. Opinions expressed herein do not necessarily reflect the position or policy of the Department, nor does mention of trade names, commercial products, or organizations imply endorsement by the Department or the federal government. The 21st CCLC NTAC project officers are Dr. Janell Wood and Ms.Andrea Jackson.